ANIKET Sevabhavi Sanstha is a registered charity (F52016) under the Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950, and the Societies Registration Act 1860; Section 12 (A), 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. We are a secular organisation dedicated to the welfare and rehabilitation of children whose only fault is to have been born without normal facilities. ANIKET Sevabhavi Sanstha is a residential institution run by a group of people who work tirelessly towards sheltering differently abled children/ special children and adults who are mentally challenged for life. At ANIKET, the rejects of the society are given not just refuge for life, but love, care and education by individuals whose only mission is to make the lives of these children whole.

Made with an anticipation, some excitement and a lot of love, these products can light up your lives, quite literally. Being run by an independent rehabilitation body, and no support of government funds, we have a vast gap to bridge for our children and their optimal care.

Thankfully, with donors like you, the gap bridges a little every time you reach out. Here's one way you can support us and light up the lives of your families, friends and colleagues. Our children have put their hearts into making these products — all with their hands — and you can make their effort truly worth it by purchasing any.

To place your order, please WhatsApp us on +91 99211 87127



Vaishnavi Shelar
Vaishnavi’s will was like the light at the end of a tunnel. After three years of care, love and medication, change started coming through. Vaishnavi gradually started being less dependent; she even began to articulate unlike ever before.
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Shriram Dnyanoba Sonawane
Deriving great pleasure from dance, especially emulate someone’s dance steps, Sriram is vulnerable to extreme hyperactivity.
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Kavita Chougule
Kavita’s parents live a nomadic life to fill their stomachs. One can only imagine what it would be like to live that way with a daughter being a severe case of intellectual disability.
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Sangita Dhekale
Having lost her father at a young age, Sangita Dhekale is a wonderful testimony of being raised by another brave single mother.
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